Saturday, April 2, 2011

O Canada!

Why am I blogging when its so close to exam time you ask? I don't know. What I do know is that Ottawa is a wonderfully quaint little city. While in many countries, the capital is usually the hubbub of urban activity and home of automats, Ottawa is the opposite.

Here's a sliver of what we enjoyed in Ottawa. A stroll through the famed Byward Market:

A b-e-a-utiful palette of local summer produce
 Can't you just imagine these sweet darlings atop a cheesecake? Or better yet, IN the cheesecake, or in a warm oat flake crumble, or mixed in a fruit parfait or in a preserved jam* or...drool...
(Oh my, I think Patrick got a little too excited at the mention of cheesecake)

And the grand finale, drumroll please...

A bit further... ( haha! A trick I learned from all those spam emails that ordered me to contribute to its virulence or else die)

Le Moulin de Provence. 55 Byward Market Square
Ottawa, ON

Obama came to visit, so the natural thing to do is make cookies and name them after him.
But of course, you must remind the cookie-eater that Obama visisted CANADA, make no mistake about that, no siree. So the cookies are red maple-leaf shaped with the word CANADA written across in white icing.
 Wots tis? A TV screen replaying a 20 second clip of Obama visiting Byward Market and shaking hands with people (really!?)

Of course you do, Obama. Who wouldn't after we've created a cookie in your name. 

*if you are doing any preserving at home, make sure you sterilize your utensils and heat the food to the proper high temperature before jarring/canning, or else spores of bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum (the name should scare you off right there) can flourish in the oxygen-less environment and produce toxins!

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